A B O U T 

I'm a multi-disciplinary visual designer graduated from university of belas artes in são paulo with a ba in graphic design. I've been working with digital and interactive projects in the last 9 years. I’m also doing some illustration for advertising, motion/concept and fashion.
I love art, new tecnologies, street art, motion design or everything into design/art field. Buttons, knobs, sounds, overs, photos of people taking photos, recipes and a lot of stuff.

In my free time I paint with oil and play with digital music. I like to eat, I love to cook for my friends, I drink a lot of coffee in the winters and a lot of beer in the summers.

Feel free to contact me at riccigama@gmail.com.

Working fulltime → JWT/Brasil

Past: Estúdio Colletivo → Grafikonstruct  

C O N T A C T:

Please drop me a line if you have interest in access my works

Mail: riccigama@gmail.com

R E C O G N I T I O N:

Some Cannes Lions / Two FWA / Some Design Bienal mentions/ A Clio or NY festival / Some Waves / LIA  … wtvr
My parents love my work and I am happy and proud with the work that I am developing with the guys that i'm working with.
